Antonov-74 aircraft performance

Antonov-74 aircraft performance

Light all-purpose transport and VIP aircraft Antonov-74 is designed for medium-hall airlines. Its reliability has been proved by the ability of different models to operate in all possible weather conditions and climates: it can operate at -60С and +45С as well as in high-mountain regions.Turbofan engines D-36 of 2A and 3A series used in the aircraft are suitable for long-life operation, they are fuel efficient and comply with ICAO noise and emission certification standards. Advantages of the aircraft: two powerful engines 6500 kgf thrust each and highly mechanized wing allow to shorten takeoff and landing and perform flights involving curved and steep approaches, which is of great significance when operating on short runways or runways with ice surface; high trafficability of landing gear and overwing engines located high above the…
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